
Archive for April, 2013

The daily conflict in my brain working overtime today…

Brain: I want to buy a deadly sharp samurai sword. Like stand of hair splitting sharp.
Me: Why do we want to buy a sharp samurai sword?
Me: Do we need a sharp samurai sword?
Brain: How could we NOT need a samurai sword?
Me: Hmmmmm We could keep it by the bed, just in case…
Brain: SEE!! Come on now…
Me: I don’t know.
Brain: When was the last time you bought me anything?
Me: WTF?! I buy stuff all the time!
Brain: This is different.
Me: It is? How is this any different from the time you wanted that stupid Roman Sword?
Brain: Roman swords aren’t cool…
Me: Well I have to agree with you there…
Brain: Picture this… Some hoodlum peeks in the window and sees you sleeping in bed, then sees the sharp samurai sword sitting next to the bed. Do you really think they’re going to break in still?
Me: Hmmmm I see what you mean.
Brain: RIGHT?!
Me: Yeah you’re right let’s Google sharp samurai swords.

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